Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Home again

This week I finished working at CCP and moved house. Two life changing events in the one week. This time last week I was feeling a little dazed with the pressure of training my replacement at work and packing for my move. Now that I am mostly unpacked in my new home and have had a chance to stop and look around, I am feeling pretty darn happy.

Right now I am settling in for a night at home, taking a minute to write while the goulash and dumplings I am cooking for dinner are simmering on the stove. Today was spent hanging pictures in my new bedroom, shopping for vintage books and making artwork.

Living in Brunswick is pretty amazing, with Savers and the Brunswick railway station within a 2 minute ride.

Nestled under my bed tonight is Cooper, my new live-in cat, adopted from my girlfriend and co-opted into moving with me. He's been too shy to venture out much since we brought him here yesterday. I am looking forward to his first proper entry into the world outside the bed.

Outside this room, are two lovely dogs, Edie and Lily, who followed me around from room to room today. What an animal filled house we have.

I better go check on dinner. Photos of my new home coming soon.

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